Well, we're old. WUKY, where NPR Rocks@ 91.3, was the first university-owned FM radio station in America, and Kentucky's first public radio station. We came
Address : WUKY340 McVey HallUniversity of KentuckyLexington, KY 40506
Email : Statione-mailWUKYcomments@hotmail.comWebmasterjosh.jamesuky.eduNewsDepartmentwukynewshotmail.comAlanLytleaflytleuky.eduBrennaAngelbrenna.angeluky.edu
Phone : Audience & Member ServicesBusiness Office - 859-257-3221Studio - 859-257-9600Newsroom - 859-257-9859Marketing Gail Bennett - Marketing & Development - 859-257-7049SalesGail Bennett - Marketing & Development - 859-257-7049Sandy Davis - Underwri